The UnOfficial Raccoons Homepage

Song Guide

Here I Go Again

From The Raccoons Television Series
Words and Music by Kevin Gillis, Jon Stroll, and Stephen Lunt
Transcription by Patrick Helleouet

Here I go again,
falling out of line,
falling in with someone new.
Here I go again,
getting out of line,
forgetting there's so much to lose.

But I'm holding on to you,
hoping that it's true;
I don't want somebody new...
Struggling in the dark,
lost when were apart:
no one makes me feel like you do.

Here I go again,
falling for a line,
no one but myself to blame.
Everywhere I turn,
searching for a sign,
fall victim to the same old game.



Here I go again,
running out of time
can't we think of something new?

Here I go again...
(Ad Lib)